Statistically test topics or n-grams in relation to one or two other variables using regression or t-test.
model = NULL,
preds = NULL,
ngrams = NULL,
x_variable = NULL,
y_variable = NULL,
controls = c(),
test_method = "default",
p_adjust_method = "fdr",
seed = 42
- data
(tibble) The tibble containing the variables to be tested.
- model
(list) A trained model LDA-model from the topicsModel() function.
- preds
(tibble) The predictions from the topicsPred() function.
- ngrams
(list) Output of the n-gram function.
- x_variable
(string) The x variable name to be predicted, and to be plotted (only needed for regression or correlation).
- y_variable
(string) The y variable name to be predicted, and to be plotted (only needed for regression or correlation).
- controls
(vector) The control variables (not supported yet).
- test_method
(string) The test method to use. "default" checks if x_variable and y_variable only contain 0s and 1s, for which it applies logistic regression; otherwise it applies linear regression. Alternatively, the user may manually specify either "linear_regression" or "logistic_regression".
- p_adjust_method
(character) Method to adjust/correct p-values for multiple comparisons (default = "fdr"; see also "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "none").
- seed
(integer) The seed to set for reproducibility
# \donttest{
# Test the topic document distribution in respect to a variable
dtm <- topicsDtm(
data = dep_wor_data$Depphrase)
model <- topicsModel(
dtm = dtm, # output of topicsDtm()
num_topics = 20,
num_top_words = 10,
num_iterations = 1000,
seed = 42)
preds <- topicsPreds(
model = model, # output of topicsModel()
data = dep_wor_data$Depphrase)
test <- topicsTest(
model = model, # output of topicsModel()
preds = preds, # output of topicsPreds()
test_method = "linear_regression",
x_variable = "Age")
#> 1: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_1
#> 2: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_2
#> 3: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_3
#> 4: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_4
#> 5: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_5
#> 6: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_6
#> 7: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_7
#> 8: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_8
#> 9: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_9
#> 10: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_10
#> 11: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_11
#> 12: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_12
#> 13: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_13
#> 14: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_14
#> 15: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_15
#> 16: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_16
#> 17: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_17
#> 18: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_18
#> 19: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_19
#> 20: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_20
#> The parameter y_variable is not set! Output 1 dimensional results.
# }