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Statistically test topics or n-grams in relation to one or two other variables using regression or t-test.


  model = NULL,
  preds = NULL,
  ngrams = NULL,
  x_variable = NULL,
  y_variable = NULL,
  controls = c(),
  test_method = "default",
  p_adjust_method = "fdr",
  seed = 42



(tibble) The tibble containing the variables to be tested.


(list) A trained model LDA-model from the topicsModel() function.


(tibble) The predictions from the topicsPred() function.


(list) Output of the n-gram function.


(string) The x variable name to be predicted, and to be plotted (only needed for regression or correlation).


(string) The y variable name to be predicted, and to be plotted (only needed for regression or correlation).


(vector) The control variables (not supported yet).


(string) The test method to use. "default" checks if x_variable and y_variable only contain 0s and 1s, for which it applies logistic regression; otherwise it applies linear regression. Alternatively, the user may manually specify either "linear_regression" or "logistic_regression".


(character) Method to adjust/correct p-values for multiple comparisons (default = "fdr"; see also "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "none").


(integer) The seed to set for reproducibility


A list of the test results, test method, and prediction variable.


# \donttest{
# Test the topic document distribution in respect to a variable

dtm <- topicsDtm(
  data = dep_wor_data$Depphrase)

model <- topicsModel(
  dtm = dtm, # output of topicsDtm()
  num_topics = 20,
  num_top_words = 10,
  num_iterations = 1000,
  seed = 42)
preds <- topicsPreds(
 model = model, # output of topicsModel()
 data = dep_wor_data$Depphrase)
test <- topicsTest(
  model = model, # output of topicsModel()
  preds = preds, # output of topicsPreds()
  test_method = "linear_regression",
  x_variable = "Age")
#> 1: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_1
#> 2: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_2
#> 3: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_3
#> 4: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_4
#> 5: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_5
#> 6: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_6
#> 7: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_7
#> 8: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_8
#> 9: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_9
#> 10: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_10
#> 11: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_11
#> 12: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_12
#> 13: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_13
#> 14: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_14
#> 15: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_15
#> 16: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_16
#> 17: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_17
#> 18: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_18
#> 19: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_19
#> 20: fitting model formula: z_Age ~ z_t_20
#> The parameter y_variable is not set! Output 1 dimensional results.
# }                 
