This function creates a document term matrix
- data
(list) A list containing the text data with each entry belonging to a unique id
- ngram_window
(list) The minimum and maximum n-gram length, e.g., c(1,3)
- stopwords
(stopwords) The stopwords to remove, e.g., stopwords::stopwords("en", source = "snowball")
- removalword
(string) The word to remove
- pmi_threshold
(integer; experimental) Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) measures the association between terms by comparing their co-occurrence probability to their individual probabilities, highlighting term pairs that occur together more often than expected by chance; in this implementation, terms with average PMI below the specified threshold (pmi_threshold) are removed from the document-term matrix.
- occurance_rate
(numerical) The occurance rate (0-1) removes words that occur less then in (occurance_rate)*(number of documents). Example: If the training dataset has 1000 documents and the occurrence rate is set to 0.05, the code will remove terms that appear in less than 49 documents.
- removal_mode
(string) Mode of removal -> one of c("none", "frequency", "term", "percentage"). frequency removes all words under a certain frequency or over a certain frequency, as indicated by removal_rate_least and removal_rate_most. term removes an absolute number of terms that are most frequent and least frequent. percentage removes the number of terms indicated by removal_rate_least and removal_rate_most relative to the number of terms in the matrix
- removal_rate_most
(integer) The rate of most frequent words to be removed, functionality depends on removal_mode
- removal_rate_least
(integer) The rate of least frequent words to be removed, functionality depends on removal_mode
- shuffle
(boolean) Shuffle the data before analyses
- seed
(integer) A seed to set for reproducibility
- threads
(integer) The number of threads to use; also called cpu in (CreateDtm).
# \donttest{
# Create a Dtm and remove the terms that occur less than 4 times and more than 500 times.
dtm <- topicsDtm(data = dep_wor_data$Depphrase,
removal_mode = "frequency",
removal_rate_least = 4,
removal_rate_most = 500)
# Create Dtm and remove the 1 least and 1 most frequent terms.
dtm <- topicsDtm(data = dep_wor_data$Depphrase,
removal_mode = "term",
removal_rate_least = 1,
removal_rate_most = 1)
# Create Dtm and remove the 1% least frequent and 1% most frequent terms.
# The percentage values are scaled to values between 0 and 1.
dtm <- topicsDtm(data = dep_wor_data$Depphrase,
removal_mode = "percentage",
removal_rate_least = 0.01,
removal_rate_most = 0.01)
# }