Plot a distribution plot
num_popout = 1,
way_popout_topics = "mean",
user_spec_topics = NULL,
allow_topic_num_legend = FALSE,
scatter_show_axis_values = TRUE,
y_axes_1 = 2,
cor_var = "",
label_x_name = "x",
label_y_name = "y",
figure_format = "svg",
scatter_popout_dot_size = c(1, 5),
scatter_bg_dot_size = c(1, 5),
scatter_legend_dots_alpha = 0.8,
scatter_legend_bg_dots_alpha = 0.2,
width = 10,
height = 8,
seed = 42
- bivariate_color_codes
A vector of color codes specifying colors for different categories in the scatter plot. Default: c("#398CF9", "#60A1F7", "#5dc688", "#e07f6a", "#EAEAEA", "#40DD52", "#FF0000", "#EA7467", "#85DB8E").
- filtered_test
A data frame containing the input data for the scatter plot. Must include columns like `color_categories` and other variables used in the function.
- num_popout
The number of topics to "pop out" in each category. Default: 1. Can be a single integer (applies to all categories) or a vector for specific categories.
- way_popout_topics
The method for selecting pop-out topics. Options: "mean", "max_y", or "max_x". Default: "mean".
- user_spec_topics
A vector of user-specified topics to highlight in the scatter plot. Default: NULL.
- allow_topic_num_legend
Logical; if TRUE, displays topic numbers in the legend. Default: FALSE.
- scatter_show_axis_values
Show values on the axises.
- y_axes_1
Specifies axis alignment for the scatter legend. Options: 1 (x-axis) or 2 (y-axis). Default: 2.
- cor_var
A string used for naming the correlation variable in labels or file names. Default: "".
- label_x_name
Label for the x-axis in the scatter plot. Default: "x".
- label_y_name
Label for the y-axis in the scatter plot. Default: "y".
- save_dir
Directory where the scatter legend plot will be saved. Default: "./results".
- figure_format
File format for the saved scatter plot. Examples: "svg", "png", "pdf". Default: "svg".
- scatter_popout_dot_size
Size of the dots for pop-out topics in the scatter legend. Set to "prevalence" for dot size changing based on topic prevalence. Default: 15.
- scatter_bg_dot_size
Size of the dots for background topics in the scatter legend. Default: 9.
- scatter_legend_dots_alpha
The transparency of the dots
- scatter_legend_bg_dots_alpha
The transparency of the dots
- width
Width of the saved scatter plot in inches. Default: 10.
- height
Height of the saved scatter plot in inches. Default: 8.
- seed
Seed for reproducibility, ensuring consistent plot generation. Default: 42.