The function computes ngrams from a text
- data
(tibble) The data
- ngram_window
(list) the minimum and maximum n-gram length, e.g. c(1,3)
- stopwords
(stopwords) the stopwords to remove, e.g. stopwords::stopwords("en", source = "snowball")
- occurance_rate
(numerical) The occurance rate (0-1) removes words that occur less then in (occurance_rate)*(number of documents). Example: If the training dataset has 1000 documents and the occurrence rate is set to 0.05, the code will remove terms that appear in less than 50 documents.
- removal_mode
(character) The mode of removal, either "term", frequency" or "percentage"
- removal_rate_most
(numeric) The rate of most frequent ngrams to remove
- removal_rate_least
(numeric) The rate of least frequent ngrams to remove
- pmi_threshold
(integer) The pmi threshold, if it shall not be used set to 0
- top_frequent
(integer) The number of most frequently occuring ngrams to included in the output.